Teri Cernoch
Tomahawk, WI
Teri Cernoch has been a Christian all her life. Teri involvement in ministry has been a multi-faceted one, such as being instrumental in beginning a women’s movement in her city called, “Women on the Wings of Faith”, which hosted many renowned speakers. In fact, this is where she met Dr. Carol Elaine and decided to combine her efforts with women’s ministry with that of iWOWi. Teri now serves on the iWOWi’s Advisory Board.
Presently, Teri ministers weekly in her city in the ministry, “Open Arms Community Soup Kitchen”, where she, along with a team, serves wholesome meals to the elderly, lonely, infirmed, and the needy. She also ministers in nursing homes and to the physically infirmed, prompting Teri’s declaration of Jesus is Healer. God is the joy of her life, and it shows in all she does.
Teri lives in Tomahawk Wisconsin with her husband, Tom, and they will be celebrating their 50th anniversary soon. They have two sons, Travis, and Troy, and one grandson, Chance.

Jane D'andrea
Largo, FL
Jane D’Andrea was “born-again” as an adult in her mid-twenties. Searching for a place to grow in her newly found faith, the Lord divinely connected her to the “League of Prayer” in Montgomery, Alabama where she received instruction from Dr. Mary Relph. It was there that she was trained in the importance of prayer, the different types of prayers, praying God’s Word, and intercession. At once, she began to see miracles and breakthroughs that affected her whole family, such as seeing her two children, Brian and Christy, become on fire for the Lord and her husband, Fred, turn to the Lord before he passed.
Prayer and intercession became Jane’s passion and call. As a widow, Jane faithfully served the Lord, and eventually met Bob D’Andrea, Founder and President of CTN, Christian Television Network, and soon they were married. After moving to Florida, she joined her husband as co-host of Good Life, a national broadcast program. She also began a weekly prayer meeting that continued for many years in CTN’s chapel. Again, God blessed her efforts with many answered prayers. Jane presently serves on the Advisory Board of iWOWi, and is the Lead Intercessor of iWOWi as well as Dr. Carol Elaine Ministries.
Jasmine Rogers
Chicago, FL
Jazmin Rogers is a Bible teacher and an exhorter. Her ministry is one of sharing God’s love, and it is demonstrated in her daily walk, as well as when she ministers in public. She brings with her encouragement and healing everywhere she goes. She hosts a YouTube on her YouTube channel, Jazmin Rogers, and she also has a Facebook Live on Jazmin Rogers, called “Good Morning, Beloved”, which is also viewed on the YouTube Channel iWOWi. Jazmin also serves on the Advisory Board of iWOWi. She is the author of the devotional, “My Spiritual Evolution—12-Week Devotional”, sold on Amazon.
Jazmin is the First Lady of Firehouse Fellowship in Chicago, Illinois where her well-known husband, Marcus Rogers, serves as Lead Pastor. Jazmin was blessed to have become a bonus parent to Marcus’ five children. She and Marcus also have two children together and are presently expecting another child. She finds great joy in being a steward to her family and to the body of Christ.
Gail Solomon
Chattanooga, TN
Psalmist and Teacher Gail Solomon, who like Prophet Samuel, has walked with God since she was
a small child. It was early in her life when she first heard the call of God into full-time ministry.
From that time on, it soon became evident to all that God’s hand was upon her life. When Gail was
just a little girl, the Lord bestowed upon her a gifting in music. She began playing the piano and
singing, and then grew into composing music and lyrics. Over the many years of her ministry, Gail
has had the privilege of serving as Minister of Music in many churches.
God has anointed Gail to lead others in worship, bringing them into the very presence of God and
into His holy place. She has recorded two worship albums, The Glory of Your Presence and
Celebrate. Moreover, Gail has distinguished herself as the author and composer of iWOWi’s theme
song, “Women of War.” She also served as the President of iWOWi Ruth Mantle in Chattanooga,
TN, for over seven years. Experience ‘in ministry’ is an understatement for Gail.
God blessed Gail with a double anointing. In addition to her musical giftings, the Lord blessed her
with the gift of teaching. She is a powerful teacher of God’s Word. She makes the Bible come alive
and pertinent for today. Gail’s greatest desire in ministry is to see people set free through the power
of the Word of God, and through intimacy in worship to the Father. Gail is an ordained minister,
having traveled both nationally and internationally. Gail, along with her husband, Pastor Ron, have
founded two churches where they both served as co-pastors. She has ministered in city-wide
conferences as both speaker and worship leader. She was the coordinator for the Chattanooga
March for Jesus.
Gail attended Lee University and New Life Bible College with founder Norvel Hayes, where she
graduated as valedictorian of her class. She was a teacher at the school’s church and, moreover,
led worship for Norvel Hayes’ conferences.
Gail and her husband, Pastor Ron, still live in Chattanooga, TN where she was born and raised.
They have two sons, Kraig and Tim, who also live close by.
To contact Gail for ministry, email her at melodyoflife@myyahoo.com.
Vera Washington
Brandon, FL
Reverend Vera Washington, a native of Chicago, Illinois, started teaching at the young age of 14. She has dedicated over 40 years to reaching the lost in a Biblically sound way. Vera operates in a strong prophetic anointing and is called to the nations. She has ministered throughout the United States, the Middle East, Europe, and Africa, teaching Bible studies, forming intercessory prayer groups, and conducting leadership courses. She is also an anointed psalmist whose powerful voice ushers in the presence of God, impacting all those who hear her sing. She is a true “Mother of Zion” and a minister to ministers. It has been said of Vera that she has a “midwife anointing”, standing with believers in faith and prayer until the dream or vision God has given them is “birthed” into the physical realm.
Vera has served as choir director in several churches and was the Administrator of the Fine Arts department and the choir director in a mega church, enabling her to be a part of reaching the multitudes worldwide each week. Vera understands that her Kingdom assignment isn’t restricted to just within the four walls of the church. Balancing family and motherhood, Vera found time to be a community advocate. As a member of the Okaloosa County Head Start Board, she served as a community liaison. She has ministered in prisons and visited and ministered to hospitalized wounded soldiers. She was a guest facilitator at the Germany branch of the City College of Chicago. Her actions are a testament to her belief that we should reach people wherever they are.
Vera has been married to the love of her life, Phillip Washington, for 48 years, and they live in Brandon, Florida. God has enlarged her family to include three children, ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Brenda Wilkinson
Plant City, FL
Brenda Wilkinson is devoted, on fire, and “sold out” Christian who has been President of
Women’s Discipleship for over 10 years. Brenda has a passion to minister to women by helping
them see their worth and full potential in Christ. She operates in a powerful anointing to speak
directly to the heart of the woman, and the results are amazing. One only has to be around Brenda
for a few minutes before they experience change working in their lives. Her words and life
challenge women to grow closer to the Lord. There is a purity she walks in, and her words are
appointed by the Holy Spirit, touching the most secret places of the inner self of those to whom
she speaks.
Brenda has been instrumental in organizing several events that have brought women together to
grow in their faith and build relationships with one another. She also has been labeled as a prayer
warrior, as she has several prayer chains going on any given day.
Brenda’s life exudes excitement and fun. She enjoys cooking and loves spending time with her
family. She has been married to her awesome husband, Roy, for 50 years, and they live in Plant
City, Florida. Their three children are serving the Lord in various positions. The oldest son, Bishop
Roy Wilkinson III, is Lead Pastor of Highland Church of God in Lakeland, Florida. He and his wife,
Lauren, have four children. Their daughter, Angie Reynolds (in the ministry of helps and a realtor),
married to Ryan, have 2 daughters. Her son Brian (a church group leader and a Royal Ranger
Commander), married to Ashly, have three children. Brenda and Roy have been blessed with nine
grandchildren and one great grandchild.
One word can sum up Brenda when one meets her—encounter! Get ready to have your life changed
for the better when you have Brenda to minister.
Angelia Winn
Bonita Springs, FL
Pastor Angelia Winn is a powerhouse for God. She has the ability to call forth the greatness in others. With her apostolic anointing she sets in place those who have been floundering in life with questions about their own calling, position, and destiny. Angelia has a special gift to inspire others to reach their full potential and to follow the call of God upon their lives.
Angelia is a business consultant for professionals and an advisor, trainer, and instructor to churches in the special field of operating childcare centers with her business, Pre-K God’s Way. She is also the founder and creator of the popular animation character, Duke, who is featured as the main star in the popular cartoon and book series called “Bible Adventures with Duke and Friends”.
Angelia is dauntless in her goals and energy. It can be said of Angelia, “If you want the job done, call her.” Her diverse talents in teaching, writing, children’s animation work and books, etc., set her apart as a “nothing she can’t do” woman. Angelia’s motivational gift is giving, and she moves in exhortation, encouraging others to give of themselves in unusual ways, even beyond monetary ways. She sets an example both in words and deeds. For those who spend any time with Angelia, they will soon become inspired to change for the better by the life she leads.
Angelia is a wife, mother, grandmother, mentor, and minister. She serves as Co-Pastor with her husband, Russ, of the outdoor church, The Springs of Bonita, in Bonita Springs, Florida. Angelia also serves on the iWOWi’s Advisory Board.