Mantle Benefits
The intercessory chain prayer group will be available for member’s requests
Receive monthly free newsletter and other materials.
Live Zoom Meetings with Dr. Carol!
Local home Bible Studies, so you may develop sisterly relationships and grow spiritually.
Invited to attend the yearly member conference!
Kingdom Family!
As I was coming out of sleep, I had a vision. I was in that place where I was neither fully asleep nor was I fully awake. In this vision, I saw women from all over the world, dressed in their native dress, carrying their Bibles, going to meeting places to worship, to study, to pray, and fellowship in the Lord. Suddenly, I saw the following words going forth like a ticker tape over their heads:
Women of the World...Women of the Word...WOW.
There has always been and always will be a need among women to bond together and to enjoy close friendships with one another. Women, from the dawn of creation, have desired to share with one another their deepest thoughts, dreams, and needs. Women need each other.
When women unite for a greater purpose, they become a force with whom to be reckoned, and when Women of the Word unite, they will become Women over the World! My prayer is that iWOWi will be an instrument in the hands of the Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ to unite women all over the world for one common purpose—to be Women of the Word! And as Women of the Word, to change the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
“For I was a hungered, and you gave Me meat: I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink: I was a stranger, and you took Me in: Naked, and you clothed Me: I was sick, and you visited Me: I as in prison, and you came unto Me” (Mat. 25:35-36).