Mantle President
Autumn Brown
Autumn Brown is the fifth generation of powerful women of God and has known the Lord all her life; she was filled with the Holy Spirit at age eight. At a very young age and throughout her teens, she encountered outpourings of the Holy Spirit at home and at the church where her mother was pastor. Those early encounters impacted her life even to this day and have opened the door to fresh moves of God even into her adult years.
Autumn is highly anointed in sharing the Word of God and operates in a prophetic flow with great accuracy. She is also expertly skilled in interpreting dreams and visions. She is set apart from other speakers because of her interaction with the audience. Women have fun when Autumn comes to town! Autumn’s great love for the Lord and dedication to Him is noted by all those who spend any time with her.
Autumn has been highly successful in starting businesses, one of which was Buttons and Bows that generated product in over 350 stores, including Hobby Lobby and Michael’s Craft Store. Her creativity is shown in all that she does. Presently, she and her husband, Eric, a general contractor, own the company Master Builders. She is also President of iWOWi Lydia Mantle in Ringgold, Georgia.
On a personal note, Autumn is the gravitational pull in her family that brings them together as a close unit. In fact, Autumn’s testimony extends to her marriage, having been divorced for over five years, God miraculously restored her marriage. Today, she and her husband reside in Tennessee and have two sons and one granddaughter. Her favorite pastime is cooking. She regularly has family and friends over to her home, and they love coming to her gatherings, knowing they are in for a treat because of the great smorgasbord she spreads on the table! And you can get ready, too, for Autumn will set before you a banquet table laded with the ample blessings of God when you come and hear her speak!