
Mantle President
Renee Davis
Louisville, KY
Renee Davis’ first and foremost response when she is asked to introduce herself is as
follows: “I AM A DAUGHTER OF GOD.” That says it all to Renee and anyone who hears.
The rest is secondary.
Renee was born to incredible parents who now have been married 57 years, a testimony
within itself. As a teenager she was introduced to Christ in a real and tangible way, and
this is when she became born-again. At that point, she began a journey with the Lord to
learn of Him, His ways, and His purpose for her life.
Without the Lord’s constant presence and strength, Renee would never have made it
through the most troubling times of her life. Instead of Renee, though, being destroyed
by the fiery trials that assailed her, she drew nearer to her Lord. He walked with her and
talked with her, revealing His comfort and consistent care through those dark moments
in her life. Moreover, the days and hours that she spent in His presence during those
trying times have now become her powerful testimony of God’s unfailing love.
Renee knows there is hope, a plan, and a purpose for everyone in this world. Her call is
to bring Christ to those who are lost, have no hope, see themselves as worthless, and
who live without meaning in their lives. She knows firsthand the transforming power of
Christ, and she knows He will do the same for them!
Renee endeavors to walk daily in the power of His Holy Spirit. She believes that God has
raised her up for such a time as this! The anointing of Esther is to save a nation. She
walked in grace, favor, and obedience to the Lord. She stood out from among all the other
women. Renee believes that God has established her in this last day as an Esther to raise
up other Esthers, who feel the call “for such a time as this!” The anointing of Esther stops
the plots of the enemy Haman to steal, kill, and destroy a nation. The anointing of Esther
is bold to speak out and defend the innocent. The anointing of Esther changes the course
of history.
Renee lives in the vicinity of Louisville, Kentucky, where she was born and raised, with
her husband, Shane, and two amazing sons. There she is President of the iWOWi Esther
City Mantle.