
iWOWi has adopted the name “Mantle” instead of “Chapter” for the name given to the iWOWi’s city gathering of women for Kingdom purposes. The Biblical word ‘Mantle’ involves a three fold description: (1) a cloak used to protect from the elements of weather; (2) empowerment; and (3) assignment. When one receives a mantle from God, it represents God giving an empowerment for the assignment He is giving to a person.
The women who begin an iWOWi Mantle in their city are responsible to prayerfully choose a name of one of the anointed women written about in the Bible. The name represents the anointing of breakthrough that was upon the woman of their choice, praying in faith that what she flowed in will operate in the city. For example, Jochebed, the mother of Moses was a midwife in Egypt, and she saved lives, rescuing children from certain death. Each Biblical woman brought a deposit into the Earth that changed lives, laws, and liberties.
iWOWi women are encouraged to pick up their chosen Biblical woman’s mantle the same way Elisha picked up Elijah’s mantle. When Elisha picked up the mantle of Elijah, he immediately began working the same miracles that were performed by Elijah. He also walked in the same power and assignment of God in which Elijah flowed to bring a revival and the returning of the people of Israel to their God.
The name of the mantle is vitally important! Darlene Underwood, President of the Chattanooga City Mantle, gave a revelation that was imparted to her about the importance of choosing the right name for each city mantle. She compared two mantles, one called Ruth and one called Deborah. She saw those two mantles flowing in the anointing of the Biblical woman for which they were named. The Ruth City Mantle flowed in loyalty, comfort, strength, and imparting a desire into another to find purpose in life. The Deborah City Mantle flowed in prophetic warfare, bringing down strongholds, and setting women free. These mantles carry two powerful anointings but operate and function differently.
The goal set forth for the mantles of iWOWi is based on the vision of our Founder, Dr. Carol Elaine, to “Unite women all over the world for one common purpose, to be Women of the Word! When Women of the Word unite, they become Women over the World! Women of the Word, change the World!”
“The Lord gives the word [of power]; the women who bear and publish [the news] are a great host (army)” (Psa. 68:11).