Mantle President
Jennifer Cortese
Jennifer Cortese is a powerful woman of God with a living passion for Jesus Christ which not only
extends to her inner circle of family and friends but also to her church and community, and to
anyone who will listen. The call of God on Jennifer’s life is multi-faceted. She has a strong
anointing to minister to women, which she does so with a prophetic, evangelistic flair. Jennifer’s
heart and ministry includes rescuing babies from abortion. In fact, Jennifer’s first book, Recued by
the King, A Tragic Beginning Doesn’t Mean a Tragic End, is about helping women to heal from
abortion, as well as giving them tools to overcome the trials and afflictions which they face in life.
God has blessed Jennifer with creative skills and talents, and she uses those gifts, such as the gifts
of music, to share the gospel. Jennifer moves in the revelatory gifts which are often expressed
through messages, dreams, and visions. She relates her encounters and experiences with the Lord
to help others in their walk with the Lord. The miraculous power of God is demonstrated in her
life and ministry.
Jennifer lives by the command of Jesus to “occupy til I come” (Luk. 19:13) by being active in the
service of the Lord as an intercessor (Woman Of War), a children’s pastor, singer, songwriter,
acoustic guitarist, writer, poet, student of the Word. On a personal note, she loves to cook, she
loves history, and serves as homeschool teacher to her children! Jennifer has accepted to call to
join iWOWi as the President of the Jochebed Mantle in McMinnville, TN, where she lives close
by in Morrison with her husband, Russell, who served as a Fire Fighter/EMT for over 30 years.
Between the two of them, they have six children (three of them are in Heaven, which is a testimony
within itself), and they are also the grandparents to two wonderful grandchildren.
Jennifer is a warrior, equipped, ready, instant in season and out, and knows only one name that
can set the captive free—JESUS!