
Mantle President
Jessica Cloward
Jessica Cloward’s supernatural walk in the Lord began early in her life, when she experienced the
miracle working power of God as an infant. She was born with a blocked tear duct that had become
infected and inflamed. The night before Jessica’s scheduled surgery her mother turned on the radio
to listen to the Puerto Rican evangelist and faith healer, Yiye Ávila. He told those listening to
believe in the healing power of God, and to place their hand on the area of their body that needed
healing and to pray with him. That night Jessica’s mother put one hand on her baby’s eye and the
other on the radio and prayed Jessica would be healed.
When Jessica’s mother had finished praying, she opened her eyes to see her baby’s eye being
transformed before her very eyes. A visible tear duct was manifested! Her eye was no longer
blocked, red, infected, but instead it was made whole! Needless to say, the surgery was not
performed. Moreover, this was the beginning of miracles that have consistently operated and
flowed in Jessica’s life. From a child up, Jessica was marked for God, which caused her heart to
hunger for the deep things of God. In fact, when she was eight years old, she had the most vivid
dream where she experienced an encounter in Heaven, one that she still remembers in detail to this
Jessica walks in radical faith, moves with the love and compassion of Christ, and flows in a strong
prophetic and governmental anointing. She is a prophetic dreamer and preaches with a passion to
see the lost saved, the sick healed, and the broken restored. She has a burning in her heart to see
the miracle working power of God transform lives, set the captives free, and to see cities encounter
Jesus. She does not settle for mediocre Christianity and understands walking in kingdom authority.
Jessica is an ordained minister of the gospel and is aligned with Network Ekklesia International,
led by Dutch Sheets. Her spiritual father is Apostle Ken Malone, one of the key leaders of NEI.
She attended Moody Bible Institute and is presently attending Oral Roberts University where she
is finishing her B.A. in Biblical Literature. She is a wife to a US Marine Veteran, a mother to three
beautiful children and is also a real estate broker. Jessica had a dream many years ago with Aimee
Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman, and Dr. Carol Elaine. After waiting over 10 years, this
dream led her to connect with Dr. Carol Elaine, and she now serves as the President of iWOWi
Deborah Mantle in Salisbury, North Carolina where she and her family reside.