Mantle President
Maggie Brock
Maggie Brock, the youngest of 14 children, was born to parents who were traveling ministers. Maggie describes the call of God being upon her life as far back as she can remember. Filled with the Holy Spirit at a very young age, it seemed only natural for her to start preaching at age 17. The fire of God upon her life became quickly recognizable by local churches and evangelical revivals, and they became the place where her ministry was launched. Then as fast as it began, it also came to an abrupt halt. Maggie made the wrong choice.
At age 20, she was targeted by the enemy of her soul. He set a trap for her, and she fell into it and stayed there for a long 18 years. Sadly, Maggie became one of the numerous statistics of domestic violence, both physically and mentally. Because of the severity of the abuse, Maggie was totally broken and felt completely hopeless. The manipulation and control used against her left deep-seated emotional scars and set up strongholds in her mind, which caused her to attempt suicide more than once. Desperate and searching for help, Maggie remembered the God of her youth and cried out to Him, and her faithful Savior answered her speedily. He sent Maggie to Norvel Hayes Ministry in Cleveland, Tennessee where she was set free and delivered in mind, soul, and body.
Maggie’s dramatic and powerful testimony is “HE RESCUED ME.” In her own words, she sets forth the description of her ministry, “Jesus came to set the captives free, and I want to level the playing field by bringing the healing power of Jesus Christ to all those whose lives have been torn apart by the devil.” Maggie is an evangelist and ministers with a strong prophetic anointing. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from New Life Bible College, Cleveland Tennessee. For five years she has served as the New Life Bible College Administrator as well as presiding over the women’s ministry. She serves on a prophetic team at RampChatt Church under Apostle Andrew Towe and is President of iWOWi Deborah Mantle in Cleveland, Tennessee.