Mantle President
Char Edwards
Char Edwards is a living example of one who follows Jesus wherever He may lead. In 2021, Char
and her husband, Russ, heard from the Lord to move to Tennessee from Illinois to be involved in
the revival fire that is coming into the region. Their obedience to pull up roots and go to where the
Lord directed them, demonstrates the theme of Char’s life. She is not a hearer only, but a doer of
the Word!
When it comes to Char, one is reminded of two catchphrases: (1) “Put your money where your
mouth is,” which means to give or act to support something that one has talked about, and (2)
“Don’t let the grass grow under your feet,” meaning one should not waste time or neglect
opportunities. This is Char! She is all action, and she does not squander her opportunities!
Char has been involved in ministry most of her life, such as ministering in the jails, women’s
groups, Aglow, serving as Pastor, mentoring spiritual daughters, and fulfilling the role of
intercessor. Moreover, when Char was employed as a nurse, she also served as a volunteer chaplain
in her place of employment!
Char moves in a strong prophetic anointing, bringing comfort, building up, and exhorting others.
She operates in discernment and is neither ashamed to publicly acknowledge Jesus nor does she
hesitate to set the captive free. The word, MINISTER, describes Char. That’s who she is and that
is what she does! It has been said to know Char is to love her!
Char has been married over a half a century, which no one would ever guess because of her young
mind, looks, and energy! She and her husband, Russ, have two children, five grandchildren and
beginning with great grandchildren! Char is serving as the President of the Esther City Mantle in
Athens, Tennessee.